Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-05-22

  • Interesting interview from NPR on women tackling their own diagnosis of ADHD. #ADHD #
  • Special app for that – Part 8 – Apps that support the development of autonomy and independence. #ipad #autism #ld #sped #

One Response to Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-05-22

  1. Anadi December 8, 2015 at 2:00 pm #

    18(3), 8-11.Schools are often skeptical when it comes to using soaicl networking tools in the classroom. It opens a door that many feel is too risky to be used in schools. What this article suggests is that by renaming “soaicl networking” to “academic networking,” the focus shifts and the concept is likely to be more accepted by administrators and parents. Networking sites can contribute to the classroom environment: create opportunities for students that otherwise wouldn’t exist, and promote a learning environment of collaboration that teachers may struggle to establish without such tools. Online tools such as Skype, Edmodo, Twitter, Facebook, and Google Docs are all explored in this article and suggested ways of incorporating them are provided. Tim Childers is a technology coach in Cleveland, Tennessee and deemed a Project-Based-Learning guru by the Tennessee Discovery Educator Network Leadership Council. Czarnecki, K. (2008). Virtual Environments and K-12 Education. Multimedia & Internet@Schools, 15(4), 14-17.This article reviews two programs designed for implementing technology into student learning by creating virtual environments and enabling students to, in many ways, lead their own education. Teen Second Life is designed for students who are 13-17 years old and giving them the ability to fully build their virtual learning environment. Science in Second Life enables students to engage in exploring global science, technology, and programming. Creating a virtual environment allows students to explore concepts that would otherwise be very difficult to grasp. For example, sampling the atmosphere over the Arctic Ocean is much more engaging than reading tables out of a textbook. Student will remember the experience much longer than a table of numbers. Czarnecki, K. (2008). Virtual Environments and K-12 Education: Part 2. Multimedia & Internet@Schools, 15(5), 12-16.The article reviews several programs related to technology in K12 classrooms. It seeks online and technology related opportunities that encourage kids with engaging, fun, hands-on activities—programs that offer an alternative to the regular curriculum. Programs analyzed in the article include: Whyville, The River City Project, Quest Atlantis, and McLarin’s Adventures. With the use of these virtual environments, students are engaged and directing their own learning on a topic. Due to the higher thinking required of these programs, they are much more geared for high school instruction. Learning should be fun and learning should involve the student. Incorporating virtual environments such as these invite students to become active participants in their education. As identified in other articles, one of the biggest hurdles in implementing any sort of new technology or online tool is getting the instructor the proper training to incorporate it well rather than just adding one more thing to an already full plate of expectations. Fredette, M. (2012). A Time for Tablets. T H E Journal, 39(1), 54-56.This article identifies some of the ways tablets can be beneficial additions to a classroom setting. A growing collection of educational apps are available—the draw for many teachers and schools to start using tablets. Though Apple products were mentioned, the primary discussion is based on Android platform tablets and apps. The article discussed the pros and cons of initiating classroom sets of tablets. The primary negative is simply the cost. Although they are cheaper than laptops, they still come at a significant expense to a school or district. One school commented on the savings of ink, paper, and printer maintenance once tablets were introduced in their school.The author of the article, Michelle Fredette, is a freelance writer. Based on her terminology (“disabled kids” and “autistic children”) I would assume she has little experience in the field of education. As the article subtly implies, she may be very well versed in product analysis, but education is not her forte. I believe the article to contain good information, but it was just those couple of phrases that caught my attention and turned me sour. Gersh, S. O. (2009). Global Projects & Digital Tools. Internet@schools, 16(1), 10-13.The Global Education Project uses technology to enhance students’ education by expanding the walls of the classroom. The project began with the recognition that students on different continents were learning key events from history from vastly different angles. For example, in classrooms across the U.S., studies of the Mayflower voyage revolve around the arrival; whereas, students in England are taught the reasons the voyagers onboard the Mayflower left. With the use of technology—students in both countries are able to learn both sides of the story, from each other! As we strive to prepare our students for success in the 21st century, a global perspective is a key component. The Global Education Project, and any instruction that leads toward its goal, lends itself to project-based learning, student collaboration, and development of a global, cultural understanding. Without leaving the classroom, technology allows us to virtually leave the classroom. Being an avid world-traveler and lover of new cultures myself, the concept this article focuses on is of high interest to me. The author of this article is the director of technology and international projects, so obviously her interests and credibility align with the foundation I would like to build my teachings on. McCrea, B. (2012). AV, Interactive, and Collaborative Technologies for K-12 Education. T H E Journal, 39(12), 16.This article, though short and to the point, addresses the problem schools and districts are facing regarding the cost of adding technology—laptops, tablets, etc.—to their classrooms. One school interviewed, Holy Rosary School, offers insight on the difficulties they have faced in this area and strategies they have taken to overcome them. A secondary issue to adding technology to education is getting the teachers adequately trained to be able to incorporate the new tools into their teaching practices. The principal of Holy Rosary School sums up his comment by stating: “Your district doesn’t have to be rich to create the best possible learning environment. You can do it if you have a few computers and teachers who know how to integrate and use the technology.” Norris, C., & Soloway, E. (2011). When the Baby-Boomers Meet the Mobile Generation. District Administration, 47(6), 66.This article describes the significant disconnect between the more traditional education had and known by the baby-boomer generation and the constantly connected digital generation of today—whom they are educating. It compares the way education “looks” today versus in the past. Students today don’t learn in the same way they did when the baby-boomers were k12 students because they don’t live the same way. Society has gone from a stationary education system to one that is digitally connected and available in the palm of your hand. Information is literally at your fingertips and having 24/7 access has grown to be an expectation.Cathleen Norris is a professor at the University of North Texas and Elliot Soloway is a professor at the University of Michigan. Both are members of a Special Interest Group on Mobile Learning who, for the past 10 years, have traveled around the world advocating for the integration of mobile technologies into classrooms. Schmidt, K. (2004). A Model to Integrate Online Teaching and Learning Tools Into the Classroom. The Journal Of Technology Studies, 30(2), 86-92.This model emphasizes the importance of appropriate integration of technology and online tools into the classroom setting. It reinforces the fact that teachers cannot just add technology into their teaching and expect there to be positive results or added benefit to their instruction. Teachers must be prepared and know their tools before incorporating them into the classroom. This article outlines five steps for finding the right technology or online tools suited for your teaching style. These steps include the following:1)Examine your teaching style;2)Assess your students’ preferred learning style;3)Study online and traditional teaching and learning tools;4)Select online teaching and learning tools;5)Reflect, implement, reflect, & revise.This model is intended to encourage experimentation as new technologies are developed and as teachers become more comfortable merging online education with traditional classroom-based education. Teachers must go into this process with an open mind and flexible to continuous change as self-reflections lead to adjustments and new attempts. Reinhart, J. M., Thomas, E., & Toriskie, J. M. (2011). K-12 Teachers: Technology Use and the Second Level Digital Divide. Journal of Instructional Psychology, 38(3), 181-193.Addressing the issue of a second-level digital divide – this article dives into the realities of differences in technology use and integration amongst school districts, schools, and individual teachers. A large majority of teachers these days received their teaching degree and their own education in the 20th century. However, with little professional development in the use and incorporation of new technology into the classroom, we expect them to prepare their students to be successful citizens in a 21st century work environment. The problem is, teaching strategies and assessments of learning commonly do not line up with the current age of technology and the era our students are growing up in. Even new teachers often struggle with appropriate integration because much of their teacher-prep education is on the use of such technological tools, and less emphasis on actually merging it with classroom curriculum and instruction. This combined with inconsistent availability of technology resources and teacher acceptance/use is what causes there to be an even greater divide between what students across the country have access to benefiting from.

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